The Future is here, and we are mere witnesses to it. Historically, humans were known as the only innovating species on earth. For centuries, their inventions changed the face of the earth and that of humanity. But times have changed, and humans are no longer the only factor leading the world’s innovation. When humans created Artificial Intelligence, little did they know that one day their creation would rival them in the innovation field, but here we are, and what an exciting time it is to be alive.

If you have been keeping up with our posts on the Dabus case, you will know that Dabus is an AI created by Dr. Stephen Thaler, and it has thus far created two inventions, one of which can possibly save your life one day, which is a “neural flame” device used in search-and-rescue missions. The second invention is an improved beverage container.

As part of Dabus’s global protection journey and fight to observe AIs as inventors in patent applications, Dr. Stephen Thaler’s Dabus has added another country to the already impressive list of jurisdictions where the patent – invented by the All-star AI, Dabus – was filed.

Most recently, and in aim to make waves in the Arab region, one of the AI’s inventions titled FOOD CONTAINER AND DEVICES AND METHODS FOR ATTRACTING ENHANCED ATTENTION was filed as a patent on 12-May-21 under number 521422019 in Saudi Arabia, the region’s technology and digitalization hub This application, including the lobbying for a breakthrough decision by Saudi’s SAIP is being handled by Alyafi IP’s dedicated patent team.

For now, it’s not clear what turns this case will makes in Saudi Arabia, or what the decision will be like. Historically and as per most global patent laws, only humans are recognized as inventors. Will this change? Will Saudi Arabia lead this change in the Arab region? Stay tuned to find out.

For more updates on the case in KSA and other jurisdictions, stay tuned to our social media accounts and our official website.

By Rimi Kbar, LLM, Intellectual Property Consultant at Alyafi IP Group


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