To transform Intellectual property from a cost center to a revenue generating one. To ensure key assets are properly protected. To understand vulnerabilities and allocate capital to key IP risks and opportunities.
IP strategy should be revisited every 5 to 10 years, or when there is a significant change in strategic vision and direction.
Intellectual property strategy allows management to align business and strategic vision with IP portfolio protection and monetization, while gaining insights on key competitor activities.
Understand what currently exists in your portfolio. Learn what your competitors are doing. Understand the strategic vision and the role IP has in this vision. Explore opportunities to maximize return on IP investment and minimize its costs.
The Boutique is composed of 45 team members specializing in Innovation Processes, Innovation Practices, and International and regional Intellectual Property Laws and regulations. Our team members have diverse skill sets and educational backgrounds ranging from legal to finance, business, administration, and political science.
Bill - William Mansfield- ABRO Industries, Inc
Julie Ballance - Zone Law
Rebecca Anderson-Smith- Mewburn Ellis
Mary Bielaska- Zanicorn International Ltd/ Zanicorn Legal PLLC
James Villasana - Smoothie Factory International
SANDRINE CARNEROLI- cabinet Berenboom
Electra Kilimiris Patrinos & Kilimiris
Jalal Nimer
Terfran CHANG- Ken &Don IP
Abdo Qaid Ayedh - Riyadh Food Industries Co.