Trademark Registration: 

  • The registration process takes 3-4 months to be completed.
  • A separate application should be filed for each class.
  • The application will be examined by the TMO within a period of 1 week. After the end of the examination period, the TMO will issue a decision to either:
    • Accept the application, the publication fees should be settled within 30 days from the official notification date, otherwise the application will be considered withdrawn.
    • Amend the application, the applicant has 10 days from the official notification date to amend the mark as requested, otherwise the application will be rejected. However, the applicant may appeal the said decision within a period of 60 days from the official notification date.
    • Reject the application, you may appeal the decision within a period of 60 days from the official notification date, otherwise the application would be considered withdrawn.
  • Any interested third party can oppose the publication of the trademark application within 60 days from the date of publication. The applicant has 30 days from the official notification date to file a reply to the opposition, otherwise the application will be considered withdrawn.
  • The applicant has 30 days from the end of publication period date to settle the registration fees, otherwise the application will be considered withdrawn.
  • The certificate of registration will be issued within 1 week from the date of settlement of registration fees.
  • The trademark’s registration is valid for 10 Hijri years which is equivalent to 9.8 Gregorian years, starting from the filing date, and renewable for similar consecutive periods.

Trademark Renewal: 

  • The renewal process takes 1-2 weeks to be completed.
  • A separate application should be filed for each class.
  • The renewal application should be filed within the last year of the valid protection period.
  • A 6 months grace period after the expiry of the valid protection period is granted for filing late renewal, however it is subject to late penalty fees.
  • After filing the renewal application, the renewal certificate will be issued within 1 week.
  • The renewal certificate will be published in the official gazette for informative purposes only; No one can oppose the said publication.
  • The trademark renewal is valid for another 10 consecutive Hijri years which is equivalent to 9.8 Gregorian years starting from the expiry of the previous protection period.

Trademark Change of Name and/or Address: 

  • The recordal of change process takes 1-2 weeks to be completed.
  • A separate application should be filed for each class.
  • A change of agent should be filed in order to ensure formality requirements are met.
  • After filing the change application, the change certificate will be issued within 1 week.
  • The change will be published in the official gazette for informative purposes only; No one can oppose the said publication.

Trademark Assignment: 

  • The assignment process takes 1-2 weeks to be completed.
  • A separate application should be filed for each class.
  • A change of agent should be filed in order to ensure formality requirements are met.
  • After filing the assignment application, the assignment certificate will be issued within 1 week.
  • The assignment will be published in the official gazette for informative purposes only; No one can oppose the said publication.

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